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Robin Powell

[Important] Furl transition update - 344 views

I am very disappointed that I did not learn of the Furl transition to Diigo until very late in March, between the 20th and 30th of March. I found out by doing some research here in the Diigo forum...

furl faq


Remove Google Bad Reviews - - 0 views

    Introduction As a small business owner, you probably want to make sure everyone is happy with your business. But what if someone posts a negative review on Google? Do you have any control over whether or not it stays up? And even if you could remove a bad review from Google, how would that be possible? If a customer post a negative comment about one of your products or services on Google, then how do you respond? Is there anything that can be done about this problem? In this article we'll discuss everything about deleting bad reviews from google play store and other platforms like Facebook, Yelp and Yelp! How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review on Google is permanent. Itâ
    What are the best ways to remove negative reviews? The best ways to remove negative reviews are: Be polite and professional. Just because someone left a bad review doesn't mean you're wrong or that they're an idiot. If you've done something wrong, apologize for it and explain what you plan to do differently next time (or at least make sure your customers know about it). Remove Google Bad Reviews Ask for all the information you need from that person so that when their review gets removed, their account won't be suspended again after being reinstated by Google in error before! In addition, ask any other pertinent questions such as "What did I do wrong?" or "Is there anything else we can help with?". Remove Google Bad Reviews It's important not only because it helps resolve issues faster but also because this shows people who might have good intentions but may not know how things work online are willing partners rather than adversaries fighting against them-and having these conversations makes things much easier than trying argue back and forth like a kindergartener arguing over whose turn comes first during recess time at school." Remove Google Bad Reviews Can you get fake google reviews removed? The short answer is no. You cannot remove fake Google reviews on your own and you can't ask Google to do it for you either. You can ask the review to be removed, but the review must first have been written by someone who has an account with Google, which means that there's a good chance that the reviewer will be able to prove ownership of their account (for example by showing proof of purchase). Remove Google Bad Reviews If this isn't possible or if they don't seem legitimate enough for whatever reason, then it won't matter whether or not you contact them first because there's nothing else we can do about it once our system finds out about them being fake: both parties will receive a warning letter from us saying so! What kinds of revi
    Remove Google Bad Reviews Introduction As a small business owner, you probably want to make sure everyone is happy with your business. But what if someone posts a negative review on Google? Do you have any control over whether or not it stays up? And even if you could remove a bad review from Google, how would that be possible? If a customer post a negative comment about one of your products or services on Google, then how do you respond? Is there anything that can be done about this problem? In this article we'll discuss everything about deleting bad reviews from google play store and other platforms like Facebook, Yelp and Yelp! How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review o

Sharing a list with a group so that they can add bookmarks to the list - 675 views

Roger, Yes, the suggestion was a conceptual nesting with links, meaning upper groups linked to numerous sub-groups. There would be no formal mechanism to create a nesting structure with groups, alt...

lists groups sharing Diigolet suggestion educator help review

The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

How do we deal with spammers? - 98 views

And I find yet another post of mine that was censored before it had a chance to get into the Internet Archive. Something else I don't have a copy of, having never heard of such behavior. I've run i...

spam (electronic)

Graham Perrin

Furl tags broken, caching for new articles? - 26 views

Reviewing this topic (which I once tagged priority) following the major upgrade to Diigo 4.0 beta: * are contributors to this topic happy with the new service? (Any specific issues can be poste...

furl tag-strings fubar caching import multiple word bug

Graham Perrin

Unable To See Annotated (higlights and sticky notes) Web Page - 150 views

> Highlight and sticky notes work in permanent URL - they > won't work in dynamic pages like pages in emails AFAICT in Diigo 4.0 beta, handling of # character within URLs improve...

Diigolet help bug suggestion

Graham Perrin

Cache - 73 views

> annotations really *should* go with the cached page Diigo meta views such as

resolved cache discussion suggestion

Graham Perrin

Gmail Version 2 - Diigo - 250 views

Related problem: No visible URLs in my library, so I can't differentiate between multiple bookmarks for the same page.

gmail2 hash tag suggestion

Graham Perrin

How do I search for bookmarks with "tag1 OR tag2 OR tag3..."? - 281 views

> It is useful to see the number of people who bookmarked an item.

search tags help syntax boolean

Paul Streby

Enhanced linkroll doesn't work - 70 views

theenergynet wrote: > 1. Your enhanced linkroll script fails to work properly. I created an enhanced linkroll in Firefox, but when I checked the "only annotated" box, nothing showed up. I have ...

bookmarks geomap library linkroll network newsvine script

John Doherty

Avatar questions - 54 views

Ok, Thanks. :) Joel Liu wrote: > > @Joel Liu > > Ahh, that would definitely make more sense. But what about things that are said by their creators to be free for use as avatars or for general re...

avatar question

Maggie Tsai

NeoArch - 0 views

  • NeoArch July 25, 2006 Diigo Criticism Filed under: diigo — NeoArch @ 8:52 am Diigo Launches, Nobody Cares - Mashable* Diigo is being criticized over on Mashable for being just one more social bookmarking site. That’s all well and good. I guess when you create a new social tool you should expect that–unless, of course, you create a good one. And that, my friends, is what Diigo is. So in answer to the who cares question, I offer the following: Who cares? Bloggers. Trust me. I am one. On several blogs. A large part of blogging is just countering other bloggers. It’s sorta like what I am doing now. Who am I kidding? It is what I am doing now. The advantage to bloggers is twofold. First, Diigo allows you to store your notes right on the page of the blog with which you disagree. Second, Diigo has blog functionality that lets you blog right from Diigo. Which is what I am doing now. Tagging and blogging can occur seamlessly. And it allows you to have multiple blogs. Try doing that with the Performancing plugin (which I love.) Who cares? Researchers. They have wanted a tool like this for years. I don’t know how many times I have wanted to put marginalia on a blog like I do my books. Now I can. Others can as well. I am a librarian in an academic institution. Trust me. Researchers will use this. Who cares? Anyone who uses the web. This is the type of tool that has a wide appeal, especially for those who do not already use a social bookmarking service. This one IS better than others. This one DOES offer something others don’t. This one DOESN’T just clip text. This one puts your notes right where you want them. Hey, I realize there is some truth to the Web 2.x hype. Who wants another social site that has a name that sounds like a Star Wars character. Put if you’re going to fault Diigo for anything, fault it for having a stupid name. Don’t fault it for competing in crowded space. It fills a need for many people, just like all the mom and pop Linux distros out there do. It is marketable, as is evidenced by the fact that over 10,000 people signed up for the Diigo Beta test.
  • You should know about Diigo! Filed under: Uncategorized, Technology, folksonomy, diigo — NeoArch @ 9:09 am To those of you who read this blog on a regular basis, I want to apologize for posting infrequently lately. I have had a couple other projects that I have been working on, plus my Church had vacation Bible school last week. You don’t get much done during VBS week. I just wanted to take the time to inform you about a new social bookmarking service. For those of you who already have one, you’re probably groaning, “Not another one!” I know. I know. I have been using for…well…forever. I can’t remember life before In fact, I have no intentions on ceasing from using (With Diigo and its toolbar, I don’t have to, but more on that in another post.) For those of you who don’t have a social bookmarking service…well…you need one. Social bookmarking is a way to keep track of all of the websites that you visit. It allows you to describe the page using several one word “tags.” For example, if you visited the page for “Talladega Nights,” you might tag it as “movie,” “Will_Ferrell,” “stupid,” and “NASCAR.” This may seem like a useless service until you cannot find that page with the thing that you needed for your job and now you’re gonna get fired cause you can’t produce what you said you could. Or perhaps you can’t find that online add for that ring for your wife that you saw that would save you $1000 so now you can’t get a new johnboat because you don’t have the extra $$$$ you would have saved. Trust me. You need one. There are several out there. Diigo is different, though. The service is only in beta testing at this point, so you have to actually request an invitation to participate. Diigo not only lets you save a bookmark to the page, but it also allows you to highlight content. It lets you add virtual sticky notes to the page. This really is the ideal tool for research and blogs. You can access your thoughts about a certain web page from anywhere in the world, right on the web page. How many times have you wished that blogs and webpages worked like books. You wish that you could add marginalia. You wish that the marginalia could be either public or private. It’s all possible with Diigo.
  • Don’t just take my word for it. Go try out Diigo’s playground for yourself. If you don’t think the service is the coolest thing since Cocoa Pebbles (it’s like cereal, only chocolaty), then walk away from your keyboard, go get in your 1973 Ford Maverick, throw in your favorite Captain and Tenille 8-track, and …well… you get the picture. I have just started using Diigo in the past few days, so I will have more to say about it later. However, I do think that this is one of the best social bookmarking sites that I have used. Long live Diigo!
    • Maggie Tsai
    How to make $ 40,000 in one month with very quickly. What you need. The latest American news article. Immediately visit

Futurist Speaker - 1 views

    Senior Futurist at the DaVinci Institute, and Google's top rated Futurist Speaker. Unlike most speakers, Thomas works closely with his Board of Visionaries to develop original research studies. This enables him to speak on unusual topics and translate trends into unique business opportunities.
Alexandre Deedler

Group features - 45 views

Greetings, Sorry to necro this topic, but I am very interested in finding a way to export all the bookmarks associated to a group and not a user. Does anyone know if there has been some progress in...

group premium features private cache

Hanna Neuhaus

"Recent tags" do not appear in "My tags" - 124 views

Hi Hanna In as few words as possible, a) in this forum we have a few reports from Diigo users who have problems with tags b) in many ...

tags-related recent my tag cloud bug

Maggie Tsai

Diigo in the Classroom « Learning Literacy - 0 views

  • Before class on Tuesday, I have never heard of the program Diigo.  When Professor Wolf mentioned that, it was a way to annotate online documents right on the web page.  He also explained how it is interactive, that you can read other annotations posted by others and others can read yours.  At first, I didn’t see myself ever using this after this class.  I find it easier to read documents once they are printed out rather than right off the screen.  I cannot concentrate when the documents are on the screen and I feel better writing notes in the margins with a pen and highlighting.   After using Diigo on the readings for Thursday, I realized that I might be able to use this tool in a classroom with students.  I would not use it for anything lower than the fourth grade, but it would be a great tool to integrate into lessons.  For instance, a teacher could set up a group in Diigo and have the students all join an account. Then for different lessons, such as a science lesson on the layers of the earth, the teacher could use an article or web page that reinforces the lesson.  The students would then go in and read the article and comment using Diigo.    I think students would benefit from this activity for several different reasons.  I think the fact that it is on the computer they would find it fun and different from reading out of a textbook and answer questions.  I also think that since it is interactive, the students can comment on one another’s thoughts taking the pressure off that comes with face-to-face conversation.  In addition, if this is done in the classroom using three or more computers, it is away for the children to interact but keep the noise level down while other students do independent work at their desks.  
Tyme 2.0

How to edit profile? (Not so obvious) - 195 views

Yes , a big blue button .. it's back !

help bug profile edit

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